For general enquiries and questions for Shaykh Amer
Getting in Touch
Please keep your message as concise and comprehensive as possible. Once you click "Submit" below, one of our team members will review your question and then forward it to Shaykh Amer Jamil.
General enquiries about Shaykh Amer's online courses will be answered by a member of the Support Team.
Note: Shaykh Amer receives a high volume of email requests and therefore there may be a short waiting period before we are able to adequately respond. Questions unrelated to Shaykh Amer's direct line of work may not be answered.
Your questions and contact information are fully confidential and will not be shared with anyone except Shaykh Amer Jamil and his direct admin team.
While we understand the personal nature of some questions, it is standard procedure for our team to review each one in order for us to ensure you receive the most optimal response.
Marital Relations & Advice
If your question is regarding a marriage or divorce issue, please contact [email protected]
Note: members of Shaykh Amer's online pre-marital course Before You Say "I Do" receive first priority. If you are a student and have a personal question, please include 'BYSID Student' in your message.